Easter Family Fun
We love Easter because it’s a day full of family, fun, and of course… Easter egg hunts! We start the day by attending a church service, then we usually spend some time at home with our own little family before getting together with extended family and friends. Here are some of our favorite traditions!

Decorating Easter Eggs
Preparing the Eggs
Decorating Easter eggs is a classic Easter activity that we all love. We look for white eggs, preferably without dates stamped on them. We boil off around a dozen per kid (depending on their ages and egg availability each year. This year will probably be a lot less!).
Time to Decorate!
After the eggs are boiled and ready to go, our little artists like to experiment with layering the dye colors and we sometimes use clear crayons to write secret messages on the eggs before dipping them in the dye. We discovered the kits with the thing that looks like a whisk— you stick the egg inside of it and it’s fantastic! Highly recommend trying one of those if you can find one. One of my husband’s favorite Easter traditions is reusing the eggs to make colorful egg salad sandwiches for lunch!

Easter Egg Hunts
Easter egg hunts are such a fun activity for us every Easter. We hide treat-filled eggs around the house or outside, depending on the weather, and the kids love running around trying to find them all. My big parenting tip is to assign each child their own unique egg color to look for. That way each child knows their color and it prevents them from battling over eggs. It even encourages the bigger kids to cheer the littler ones on when they spot a siblings’ egg somewhere.

Easter Games
We love getting together with extended family & friends and playing group Easter-themed games! Here are some of our favorites:

White Elephant Game
Easter Egg Race
We love playing the game where we stick a plastic egg between our legs and race across the room or lawn to drop it into a bucket. You set up two teams and everyone lines up. Each person has a plastic egg and takes turns racing to the basket with the egg between their legs. If you drop, you’re back to start! Once you make the egg into the basket, the next person on your team can go. First team to get all their eggs in the basket wins!
Slingshot for the Win!
My husband’s sister, Colleen, came up with a game where you tape a ton off plastic re-used eggs hanging from strings from the ceiling. You had to use a chicken slingshot to hit one for a prize! The eggs can have numbers in them that correspond with numbered silly & cool gifts. We have so much fun playing together as a family and creating such special core memories for our kids.
The Infamous Easter Bunny Drawings
One tradition we have every Easter was born from a mistake! One of our kids was trying to draw a bunny and couldn’t get it to look just right. More and more drawings were made, each kid joining in and putting their own spin on them. Now we spend the days leading up to Easter drawing different versions of bunnies that get taped all over the house. The kids get so creative with their different bunny names and drawings. It’s so fun to see their creative minds at work!

That's a Wrap!
Easter is a special time for our family, and we love creating fun memories together through decorating eggs, Easter egg hunts, games and silly drawings! I love creating special memories with our kids and doing fun activities together.
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I love seeing all of your family traditions! It’s fun to watch your kids growing up and how it affects everything you do as a family!
Thank you so much!
Dear Chris and jess, First of all. Let me brag a little that. I am a massive fan. From NY Thank you as always, so much for your beautiful. Full of happiness wonder and adventure. I always look forward every Sunday and Wednesday, usually, whenever you guys upload. I’m joe. You may remember me from twitter @Ballingersfan15 I’m the cool guy in the wheelchair.
Here’s my question. Have you guys ever thought of creating? Any Easter themed dessert recipes? Like your own version of let’s say homemade Cadbury marshmallow eggs. Or homemade chocolate bunnies and. Other Thanksgiving and Christmas. Do you guys ever make your own custom recipes or tried new foods depending on the holiday?
What a wonderful website and first blog entry, it was amazing to see all the photos from last Easter events and remembering the fun in those videos.
Your content over the last few years I’ve been watching and over this last year after I broke my foot and it still causing pain problems a year later ,I always watch one of your videos and it keeps a smile on my face.
Great work Jessica and Chris and a very big welcome to 40 and happy birthday.
Thank you, so glad that we can help make you smile.
Happy Birthday Jessica! You guys have been busy with this project! So wonderful! New merch coming soon! Yes!! Jessica did such a great job writing the intro and blog post! I forgot about all the bunnies! I love seeing the pictures! Will you send an email when there is a new blog post? Or do we just come back and check? Lots of love!
Thank you so much! Yes, we will send new blog posts in the newsletters.
Happy birthday Jessica and congradulations on the blog! It is such a wonderful thing.
Thank you so much!
Wonderful content as always. I adore this family and cherish the things you share with us.
We are so glad that you enjoy our content, thank you so much!
I love that you put “My husband’s sister, Colleen” like the majority of us don’t know who Colleen is. 😂 I can’t wait to see the Easter vlogs from everyone. Happy belated Birthday to both Chris and Jessica and Happy Easter!
The Easter vlog is coming soon!
Happy belated 40th bday Jessica, and welcome 🙏🏻 to the big 40!! I love ❤️ all the pics of the kids, and they’re getting so big. I can’t believe ur 40 now, and I’m a really big fan of u guys!! I’ve been subscribed to ur YouTube channel for a long time, and 40 is a really big number. Happy Easter Jessica, and Chris!! Love ❤️ ur outfits, and it looks really nice 👍🏻.
Thank you so much!
Love these blog posts! Are they going to replace the emails? Or is this the same thing? Happy late birthday, too, Jessica!!
Emails will still continue. Thank you so much!
Hi! I love your family! You all seem so sweet and supportive! I also love your TikToks they’re so funny! I think this blog is a great idea 🙂
Thank you!
So fun! We tried dyeing Easter eggs with cool whip and food dye this year and it was a hit with my 8 month old niece! Hope you all had a lovely Easter!
We did, thank you!
Hello all the way from the UK, it’s so interesting to see the small differences between Easter in the US and in the UK. We always get chocolate eggs for Easter even on an Easter egg hunt. Though with the dawn of social media I have noticed more blurring of what is an American and what is a British tradition. I love when that happens! Anyway, hope you had a good Easter and a fantastic birthday Jessica (and Christopher though that is very belated)
Thank you so much!
I think that it is a very good thing to do and especially with the kids about what they like and what their favorite food and stuff.
I agree! So much fun!